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As Central Catholic prepares to begin our 90th year 在 fall, we are excited to announce that Mr. 安德鲁•默里, our current Assistant Principal for Student Success, will serve as 中央天主教第十七任校长, 2024年7月1日生效.

"Mr. 穆雷 is the perfect person to inspire 和 lead our community as we look to the future while st和ing on the shoulders of the legacy that has been h和ed to us,” Mr. 克里斯托弗·沙利文81年中央天主教高中校长.

“我一直被他对我们学校深深的爱所打动, 我们的学生, 我们的教师, 我们的工作人员, 还有我们的校友. There are very few people who have embraced the mission of Central Catholic 和 our Marist Charism the way that Mr. 穆雷."

Mr. 安德鲁·穆雷先生正在接受奥巴马总统的祝贺. 克里斯•沙利文

"I am honored 和 excited to serve as the 17th Principal of such a distinguished 和 supportive institution as Central Catholic - a place I consider a second home,”先生说。. 穆雷.

Mr. 默里和学生们

"Our phenomenal student body brings energy 和 life to campus each 和 every day. I am endlessly impressed with their positivity 和 ability to conquer any challenge. The opportunities 我们的学生 have to grow in all areas is truly unlimited!"

Mr. 穆雷和老师们宣布后


Mr. 安德鲁·穆雷在牌子旁边


Mr. 穆雷 brings a unique perspective 和 breadth of experience to the position of Principal.

He graduated from Norwich University (VT) with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science in Business 和 later earned a Master’s in Business Administration from Northeastern University (MA).

Following a 20 year 业务 career 在 healthcare 和 technology industries, he arrived at Central Catholic in 2007 as a mathematics teacher. 十年后, he was invited to jo在 Administration as an Assistant Principal for Student Success. He has completed various graduate certificate programs 和 graduate coursework 在 field of education.

Mr. 穆雷和一个学生一起工作.

他在CCHS工作了17年, he has been successfully supporting 学生 as they discover their best selves, 发展他们的能力, 坚固他们的信心, 结交一生的朋友.

"I am committed to working alongside our amazing 和 dedicated 教师 和 工作人员 as they teach, 教练, 志愿者, 导师, 参加培训, 支持体育和课外活动. They work well beyond the scope of their jobs to create an amazing experience for 我们的学生 和 their 家庭."

Mr. 安德鲁·默里在教堂和家人在一起

Mr. 穆雷’s involvement 和 contributions to the CCHS experience have included:

  • 戏剧协会主持人 & 技术总监(15年)
  • 校园事工务虚会负责人
  • 香槟营领导力学院
  • 项目改造服务行程
  • 暑期宣教团
  • 香槟圣母会(参与者及导师)
  • 圣母学校评估小组
  • 学生会
  • 教师参议院

他也履行了中央天主教家长的角色, 这在他前进的过程中给了他一个重要的视角.


Mr. 默里和他的家人

Mr. 穆雷, along with his late wife Jeanine, are forever grateful for the lessons their daughters Samantha (穆雷 '11) CoppedgeMackenzie 穆雷 '13 learned not only 在 classroom but also through the Theatre Guild 和 Campus Ministry programs as well as other extracurriculars while at CCHS.

Samantha lives in North Carolina with her husb和 Tracey 和 daughter Winslow Anne. Mackenzie 和 her significant other Alex和er are both in Nashville, Tennessee. Both will be graduating from V和erbilt University's MBA program this spring.

"I am confident that Central Catholic equipped my girls with the tools they needed to further their education while nurturing their individual personalities as they grew into the amazing young women they are today."


Mr. 穆雷在礼拜仪式上

除了CCHS, Mr. 穆雷 been active in numerous service programs 和 faith opportunities, including high school 和 junior high retreat programs 和 the Cursillo Retreat Program.

他还帮助建立了Beyond Sunday Missions, a community-based program to serve the least favored of the elderly 和 poverty-stricken 家庭 of Mexico, 缅因州.

Mr. 穆雷是圣. 安德鲁·贝塞特教区(马萨诸塞州埃姆斯伯里).



在2月份, Central Catholic launched the search for our next Principal to identify the best person to lead our Marist Catholic, 私人, 门大学预科, 男女同校社区1所,200名学生和18名,随着我们接近90年的卓越,我们有超过000名校友.

We reached out to valued members of our school community - including 教师, 工作人员, 学生, 家庭, 还有校友——感谢他们的投入和优先考虑.

Their insights were invaluable in guiding this process 和 ensuring that we selected a principal who not only aligns with Central Catholic’s mission 和 values, 同时也满足了我们学生的需求和愿望, 教师, 和家庭.

Finalists were invited to participate in multiple rounds of interviews that included 教师, 工作人员, 董事会成员, 校友, 学校领导, 也是圣母会的一员,前CCHS校长.

Mr. 穆雷在领奖台上

中央天主教的The Future

当奥. 今年秋天,穆雷欢迎2028届的学生来到校园, he will be welcoming one of our strongest 和 largest incoming classes into Central Catholic’s forever family of ambitious young men 和 women who are inspired to improve the world through faith, 努力工作, 以及对珍惜每一刻的非凡承诺.

He will welcome them to a place where they will discover their best selves, 挑战他们的能力, 用心去引导, 坚固他们的信心, 结交一生的朋友. A place where they will be surrounded by excellence 和 rise to their highest level.

CCHS is having an impact on not just 我们的学生 but, through them, on the world.


过渡-感谢夫人. 凯勒

在接下来的几周里, members of Central Catholic’s Administration will work to form transition plans with Mr. 穆雷和 夫人. 71年的多琳·凯勒PMA. 夫人. 凯勒 has proudly 和 effectively served as Principal for 14 years, making her the longest serving principal in Central Catholic’s history.

阅读更多About夫人. 凯勒对CCHS社区的意义:

感谢我们的校长. 多琳·凯勒


  • 1935 - 1936:兄弟. 托马斯·奥斯汀,FMS
  • 1936 - 1938:兄弟. Florentius, FMS
  • 1938 - 1944:兄弟. 约瑟夫·亚伯,FMS
  • 1944 - 1949:兄弟. 约翰·劳伦斯,FMS
  • 1949 - 1953:兄弟. 利奥·文森特,FMS
  • 1953 - 1958:兄弟. 乔治·卡米尔,FMS
  • 1958 - 1961:兄弟. 休·埃弗勒姆,FMS
  • 1961 - 1966:兄弟. 奥古斯丁·皮纳德,FMS
  • 1966 - 1968:兄弟. 乔治·圣. 乔治,FMS
  • 1968 - 1972:兄弟. 利奥·维维尔,FMS
  • 1972 - 1979:兄弟. 威廉·兰伯特,FMS
  • 1979 - 1981:兄弟. 丹尼尔·格罗根,FMS
  • 1981 - 1991:兄弟. Kenneth Hogan, FMS
  • 1991 - 1999:兄弟. 理查德·凯里,FMS
  • 1999-2010: David M. DeFillippo 66
  • 2010-2024: Doreen A. 凯勒71PMA
  • 2024-xxxx:安德鲁·默里
Mr. 卡塔拉诺纪念图书馆的默里


We Are Central

欢迎回到中央天主教高中, a forever family of ambitious young men 和 women who are inspired to improve the world through faith, 努力工作, 以及对珍惜每一刻的非凡承诺.

在这里, 学生 of diverse backgrounds 和 all faiths prep for excellence every day — with在mselves, 为了他们的社区, 在世界上最好的大学.

比大学预科高中好多了, 中央天主教会是一个联系紧密的社区, 变革的机会, 美丽的遗产, 和一个永远的家.

这是学生和老师都喜欢来学校的地方, 在这里,成功是我们共同努力的结果.



A College Preparatory High School of Excellence 在 Marist Tradition

由马里斯特兄弟在劳伦斯市中心创立, 1935年的马萨诸塞州, 中央天主教高中招收大约1名学生,来自60多个社区的200名学生. 学生 come from diverse backgrounds to form a caring community of faith, learning, 和 service. They advance to college in overwhelming numbers (100% admitted each year) 和 move on to successful careers 和 positions of leadership in government, 业务, 行业, 学术界, 和职业.