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约瑟夫·达安杰洛(Joseph D ' arcangelo), 24岁

上图来源: pixabay

2023年全球奴隶制指数 estimated that on any day in 2021, t在这里 was an average of 1.仅在美国就有100万人被奴役. This is an alarming number for a country that had a population of about 330 million people that year. So this raises the question, what can we as individuals do to fight this despicable crime?

根据 联合国, 人口贩卖是“招募”, 运输, 转移, 通过武力收容或接收人, 欺诈或欺骗, 目的是利用他们牟利.”

Many states, statistically, have much more human trafficking than the national average. 根据 《欧亚体育》, the top three states with the most human trafficking are Mississippi, Nevada, 和 Missouri. 密西西比州有7个.每10万人中有92起人口贩卖案件,内华达州只有6起.26个,密苏里州有3个.86. 尽管这些状态看起来是随机的, 当列表增加到查看前十个州时, 一个令人担忧的趋势出现了. 

以上图表来源: 纽约的需求世界地图集


Although it is common to blame human trafficking on poverty or illegal migration, 最明显的联系是旅游业. 的 heat maps of tourism 和 human trafficking are nearly identical with six of the top ten biggest cities for tourism also being in the top ten biggest cities for human trafficking. To see this overlap first look at the heat map for tourism f或者是 United States 在这里,然后是人口贩卖的热点图 在这里

Knowing this link between human trafficking 和 tourism exists is the first step to underst和 how you can prevent 和 fight trafficking. This data should not be used as an excuse to not travel to these cities because t在这里 are various precautions that can be taken to prevent yourself from being trafficked. Knowing how to prevent trafficking starts by knowing who is at risk. 

根据犯罪学家 Emily Troshynski和Jennifer Blank in their breakthrough academic research paper in which they interviewed real human traffickers from the London area, 有一个共同的目标:外国年轻妇女和女孩. Although the article focuses on trafficking in the London area, it is reasonable to assume that because London is such a tourist hotspot that traffickers in other tourist hotspots would use similar strategies. This is because human trafficking is undeniably linked to the illegal sex trade. Approximately 88% of prosecuted human trafficking cases in the United States are classified as some sort of sex trafficking according to 全国人口贩运热线

Armed with this data it becomes much more clear why the link between human trafficking 和 tourism is so profound. Because human traffickers predominately want to capture foreign young women 和 girls, they concentrate their operations in areas w在这里 the most of these people are. 

有了这些知识, one obvious rule of thumb comes up to prevent human trafficking; when you are in a big tourist city keep an eye out for any suspicious activity. Although kidnapping immediately comes to mind when people think of human trafficking, 不超过人口贩卖案件的3% 实际上涉及到绑架. 贩卖人口不是当着你的面, obvious 和 gr和 crime; it is done behind closed doors just out of your sight. Most of the time you will not see a young girl getting snatched up in a parking lot in broad daylight. 

So, if not kidnapping, how does most human trafficking happen? 在62%左右 of sex trafficking happens with something referred to as the lover-boy approach. This manipulative approach typically involves the trafficker getting in some sort of relationship with their target 和 buying them gifts 和 expensive things. Eventually the trafficker is able to gain the trust of the woman 和 is then able to manipulate her into doing anything to stay with them. From 在这里 they can either force the women into prostitution or manipulate them into leaving the 和 then taking away their freedom by confiscating their passports, documents, 和 cell phone. 

Not all trafficking involves the sex trade; labor trafficking often happens in a similar way. 大约71% 那些被贩卖到制造业做劳工的人, 农业, 或美国的好客 , 是临时入境的, 通常的工作, 签证. 这些人为他们的老板合法工作, 谁会以逮捕来威胁他们, 暴力, 性侵犯, 和 a myriad of other crimes to force them to continue working f或者是m. This usually goes on for a long enough time that the workers  become unauthorized immigrants before having a chance to escape. 一旦这些人的工作签证到期, 然后,人贩子完全控制了他们的生活, 因为他们可以用驱逐出境来威胁工人. 

人贩子, 无论是性交易还是劳工贩子, almost always exploit people in vulnerable situations to force them into modern day slavery. 根据美国.美国国务院,有几个 红旗 for human trafficking 和 they are as follows: a person lives with their employer, 他们的生活条件很差, 无法与人单独交谈, 他们似乎总是照本宣科, 他们的雇主拿着他们的身份证件, 他们要么顺从,要么恐惧, 他们有身体虐待的迹象, 或者他们未满18岁并且参与卖淫. 

Obviously these signs are not exclusive to victims of human trafficking, but it is better to report any sign you may see than risk having a person continue to be exploited 和 enslaved. Trafficking officials would much rather have one mistaken report than have another person continue to live such a terrible life. 

Now if you think someone you may know or have seen has been trafficked, 拨打911很重要, 或者是 全国人口贩运热线 at 1-888-373-7888. 全国人口贩运热线 also runs a website that makes it possible to report crimes online. While reporting any signs of human trafficking you see is important, if you want to take a different role in fighting trafficking you can donate to 地下铁路运营, a charity that helps law enforcement in identifying human trafficking, as well as aiding those who were recently removed from human trafficking.






Joe D’Arcangelo is a senior at Central Catholic from Pelham, New Hampshire. 他喜欢跑步和锻炼. He is actively involved in the cross country 和 track teams 和 is vice president of the senior Student Council. 乔在空闲时间喜欢听摇滚乐.

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