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Navin Ramesh, 24岁, National Merit® Scholar

Navin Ramesh, 24岁, National Merit® Scholar

祝贺 Navin Ramesh, 24岁 在被任命为 2024 National Merit® 欧亚体育hip Recipient - a prestigious academic designation.

Navin is one of only 7,140 nationwide to receive this coveted scholarship, 他可以用这笔钱进入纳文已经被录取的众多知名学府之一,包括哈佛大学, U.S. Military Academy - West Point, U.S. 空军学院, 布朗大学, 波士顿学院, 达特茅斯学院, 和杜克大学, 仅举几个例子. (Update: Navin has decided to attend 布朗大学!)

According to the National Merit® 欧亚体育hip Corporation (NMSC), over 1.3 million juniors from over 20,全国有1000所高中参加了2024年国家优秀奖学金计划. These academically talented high school seniors competed for some 7,140个国家优秀奖学金,价值近2800万美元(每个学生获得2美元),500).

“整个中央天主教社区都为纳文获得这项享有盛誉的奖学金感到无比自豪,” 夫人. 71年的多琳·凯勒PMA, CCHS校长.

"Navin has continuously impressed us with his strong academic, 在他的CCHS经历中取得了课外和社区服务成就. We know that he will continue to accomplish amazing things in the future."




  • 首页town: North Chelmsford
  • Middle School: Ste Jeanne d'Arc School, Lowell


  • Student Council E-Board
  • 学生大使
  • Student 校友 Association
  • 十 (Distributive Education 俱乐部 of America)
  • IYNA Neuroscience Club
  • 小木槌俱乐部
  • National Honor Society (NHS), NHS E-Board
  • 越野
  • 冰上曲棍球
  • 长曲棍球
  • 愿景 文学 & Arts Magazine, Coffeehouse
  • 校园部
  • CCHS以外
    • FEMA National Youth Preparedness Council
    • Volunteer for Sudanese American Medical Association
    • Congressional Intern for Massachusetts' 3rd District
    • Director of Recruitment at Interns 4-Good
    • American Red Cross and Medical Reserve Corps Volunteer,
    • 辅导


"I want to become involved with public policy, enabling me to serve through medicine in impoverished areas in the U.S. and beyond, combating both physical pain and the pain of poverty. 我也希望在我职业生涯的某个时候能在军队服役."

学生 processing in

纳文将他的成功很大程度上归功于他从CCHS老师那里得到的支持. “I’d like to thank several of my teachers including Ms. 伯恩斯(Ms. Jeanne Burns, Academic Dean), Ms. 索纳(Ms. Stacy Ciccolo, Social Studies Teacher), Mr. 麦卡锡(Mr. Kevin McCarthy, Director of School & 大学咨询), Mr. Benedetto (Mr. Robert Benedetto '89, Science Teacher)及先生. 杜马斯(Mr. 肖恩·杜马斯,学校 & 大学辅导员)感谢你在中环大学期间一直是我的教练、老师、导师和榜样. 还有很多很多的教职员工让我在CCHS的经历变得特别!"

Student lighting candle

除了学习成绩优异外,Navin还担任学生会(执行)委员. 板), 学生大使, Student 校友 Association, 十, IYNA Neuroscience Club, 小木槌俱乐部, National Honor Society (Exec. 板), 越野, 冰上曲棍球, 长曲棍球, 愿景 Coffeehouse and Magazine, and 校园部.

Navin Ramesh, 24岁 running in a cross country meet

纳文还为包括美国红十字会在内的几个组织做志愿者, FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), 以及医疗后备军在地方和国家活动和筹款活动中的表现, 举几个例子.

"Leading and attending retreats, 方向, 与校园事工一起举办的其他活动,以及通过学生大使与即将到来的班级一起工作,都是我在中环最喜欢的活动,纳文说.

Navin Ramesh, 24岁 with the president

"CCHS fosters a community of such kind and open people, 因此,所有的学生和教师都把中环称为家,营造了一个温馨而紧密的氛围,纳文说.

Navin Ramesh, 24岁 at 愿景 Coffeehouse

CCHS以外, Navin is also a member of the FEMA National Youth Preparedness Council, a volunteer for Sudanese American Medical Association, a Congressional Intern for Massachusetts' 3rd District, Director of Recruitment at Interns 4-Good, 美国红十字会和医疗后备军志愿者的志愿者. 他也是导师.

Navin的妹妹 Ranjana Ramesh, 23岁, 她是CCHS 2023届毕业生的联合致词代表,也是全国优秀学生半决赛和决赛选手, is currently studying at 布朗大学 (RI).

The Ramesh Family with Mr. 美林


National Merit 欧亚体育hip Program logo

About the National Merit® 欧亚体育hip Program

国家优秀奖学金公司(NMSC®)的官员已经宣布了超过16名学生的名字,000名选手 in the 69th annual National Merit 欧亚体育hip Program.


To be considered for a Merit 欧亚体育hip® award, 半决赛选手必须满足几个要求才能进入决赛阶段. 大约95%的半决赛选手有望进入决赛, 大约一半的决赛选手将获得国家优秀奖学金, earning the Merit Scholar® title.

NMSC, 没有政府援助的非营利组织, 成立于1955年,专门负责每年的国家优秀奖学金计划. 奖学金由NMSC自己的资金和大约320个商业组织和高等教育机构提供,这些机构和NMSC的目标是表彰国家的学术冠军,鼓励追求卓越的学术成就.

国家优秀奖学金计划旨在表彰在严格的大学学习中表现出卓越学术能力和成功潜力的个别学生. 该项目并不衡量学校教育的质量或有效性, 系统, 或状态.

Steps in the 2024 Competition

/ (1.3 million juniors in about 21,通过参加2022年初步SAT/国家优秀奖学金资格考试(PSAT/NMSQT®),000所高中进入2024年国家优秀奖学金计划。, which served as an initial screen of program entrants. 全国泳池
of Semifinalists, representing less than one percent of U.S. 高中毕业生,包括每个州得分最高的参赛者. 一个州的半决赛人数与该州在全国毕业生总数中所占的百分比成正比.

进入决赛, 半决赛选手和一名高中官员必须提交一份详细的奖学金申请, 其中他们提供了有关半决赛选手的学习成绩的信息, participation in school and community activities, demonstrated leadership abilities, 就业, and honors and awards received. 进入半决赛的学生必须在整个高中阶段都有优异的学习成绩, be endorsed and recommended by a high school official, 写一篇文章, 并获得SAT®或ACT®分数,以确认学生在资格考试中的早期表现.

16岁以上,000名选手, 15人以上,000 are expected to advance to the Finalist level, and in February they will be notified of this designation. 所有国家优秀奖学金获得者将从这组决赛选手中选出. Merit Scholar designees are selected on the basis of their skills, 成就, and potential for success in rigorous college studies, without regard to gender, 比赛, 民族起源, or religious preference.

National Merit 欧亚体育hips

2024年春季将提供三种类型的国家优秀奖学金. Every Finalist will compete for one of 2,500个国家优秀奖学金®2500美元奖学金将以州为代表颁发. 大约160家公司和商业组织将为符合其指定标准的入围者提供840个企业赞助的优秀奖学金, 例如授予人雇员的子女或赞助工厂或办事处所在社区的居民. 除了, about 160 colleges and universities are expected to finance some 3,800个大学赞助的优秀奖学金,将颁发给参加赞助机构的入围者.

2024年国家优秀奖学金获得者将于4月至7月在全国范围内发布四次新闻发布会. These scholarship recipients will join nearly 375,5万名其他获得“优秀欧亚体育”称号的杰出青年.