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Native American Heritage Month

<艺术icle aria-labelledby="fsArticle_53649_1817" class="fsStyleAutoclear fsBoard-71 fsCategory-9 fsCategory-13 fsTag-45 fsTag-215 fsTag-422 fsTag-559" data-authenticated-comments="true" data-post-id="1817">
Native American Heritage Month

Throughout the month of 11月ember, Central Catholic honored Native American Heritage Month through morning reflections and recognition of the Native American impact on history, 艺术, and literature with references to their contributions in various areas of the school.

This month offers us the opportunity to recognize the many 文化s of the original inhabitants of America. We celebrate the history, 遗产, 文化, and stories of Native Americans, 阿拉斯加原住民, and Native Hawaiians.

We invite everyone to p艺术icipate!

Native American Heritage Month at Central Catholic

Presented by the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Through a collaboration between many Central Catholic groups, we are excited to share with you a series of initiatives throughout the month.

早晨的祷告: Indigenous Spirit of 信仰

Burning candle with crucifix in background

Prayers celebrating the indigenous spirit of faith will be read during morning announcements.

Display of Native American Saints and Images of 信仰

Campus Ministry Hallway - South Wing

Click on each name or image for more information about the saint or Christian image.

Image of Navaho Madonna

Navaho Madonna: Mary here wears her traditional Byzantine colors, but she is a Navaho woman


St. Kateri Tekakwitha of the Iroquois

St. Kateri Tekakwitha of the Iroquois: The First Canonized Native American Saint



阿帕契基督: The experience of the Apache people with Christianity


Composite images of Black Elk: the Lakota medicine man turned Catholic teacher

Black Elk: the Lakota medicine man turned Catholic teacher

教学 & Learning Resources

学生 with iPads working in a circle with teacher

教学 resources have been shared with the faculty and staff, and the following 艺术icle, 视频, and live event have been shared with students.


Indigenous Definition: How To Use It Correctly and Related Terms To Avoid


庆祝! with Wampanoag Nation Singers & 舞者




Group of students in Be the CAUSE training

Click here to read Central Catholic's Declaration of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

We are Unique in our Diversity.

学生 come to Central Catholic from over 60 cities and towns.

We come from diverse backgrounds and experiences to form a caring community of faith, 学习, 和服务.

We come together as classmates, peers, and teammates.

We learn together and from one another as we develop a deeper understanding of who we are as people and how we fit together as a community.



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